Saturday, February 21, 2009

I Get "A" in Platelets!

Everything's proceeding well here. The hemoglobin infusion made a huge difference in my energy, though at times I move like an elderly lady. I have new sympathy for those who must move slowly.

The really good news is this: The typical stem cell transplant-er (notice avoidance of the word "patient") will at some point need a platelet infusion to protect against uncontrolled bleeding. Well, mine have not only stayed high enough to avoid a transfusion, but they're actually rising. Good work, bone marrow!

My white cell counts are still low, keeping me immunocompromised for now. The speed with which those cells rebound will determine when we can come home--sometime in the first half of March, most likely.

Must dash and get ready for the kids' visit!


  1. Sally: That's great news. So happy you're progressing so well. I'm sure it seems slow to you but hang in there. you're in all our hearts and prayers every day. love j.

  2. Sally, it's great to hear your good news! I hope those white blood cells do their work in a hurry so you can make it home soon! All the best, Gregory
