Sunday, October 24, 2010


Jeanne, Marie, me, Sue, and Sandy at our 'slumber party' with Carrie.

Friday I lost a sweet friend and guiding light, Carrie Madden of my support group. Carrie had inflammatory breast cancer, a scourge that makes my disease pale in comparison. (The pathology is completely different, even though the disease starts in the breast.)

Carrie wasn't supposed to make it past November '09, but canceled those plans, so to speak. Instead she eked out another year with the help of some big-gun chemo until a few months ago when she declared 'no more drugs, no more scans.' For a year, she'd been bearing the inevitable with grace and peace: a brilliant gift to all who knew her, cancer or not.

A month ago, several of us spent a Sunday afternoon with her. We all piled onto her bed and talked about a boatload of topics, from the mundane to the philosophical. It was one of those spontaneous, perfect times that will stay in the memory.

Carrie echoed in her actions what our group members all know: It's so much more than a band artificially assembled. Carrie specified that all memorial funds go to the IV League...our group with the name inspired by our 'elite' Stage IV status. (The country club nobody wants to join.) We are blessed that Austin's Breast Cancer Resource Center created our group, a lifeline in many senses of the word.

Thanks to all for your loving support.--Sally


  1. So sorry to hear this. My prayers are with her family and her friends

  2. Sally, sorry to hear about Carrie. Saw Sarah Weddington Sat. and she told me. Did Hank tell you he saw me? I keep up w/ you on your Blog. I'm soooooo happy about your scans. Breath and enjoy the hoildays! Please come by the shop and see me.Please call me there 458-8671. Hank did tell you I moved? My client opened it up. It's called Top This! I really miss not talking to you!!!!!!!
    Bon Knee
